Monday, October 15, 2007

12 miles and 3 days into Kentucky

Our plan to clear the rest of Illinois (Ill-annoyed) in a day didn't happen. Thursday we got on our bikes after a nice rest day in Carbondale and had very little energy. Juliette was worried she was getting sick because her throat was sore. We spent over 6 hours pedaling that day and only made it 68 miles to Golconda State Park.

After a freaked out night of sleep (not on my part, but I still lost some sleep over it, ask Juliette for the details) we set out Friday for a big day to Kentucky. We rode even slower and took really long breaks throughout the whole day. We got to the end of the road in Illinois and got some pie and coffee before taking the ferry over the Ohio River into Kentucky. In Kentucky we only made it 12 miles to Marion. We found a nice little B&B that offered biker discounts and kept us out of the city park on a Friday night. We've found that local teens in these smaller towns can get really bored on the weekends, so we try to stay out of the city parks.

The next morning Juliette's throat was really bothering her; she could barely eat breakfast. We suspected strep throat and figured a doctor visit was in order. We asked the kind folks and the B&B if they had any suggestions about finding a doctor on a Saturday. He said the main doctor in town had a daughter getting married that day and that the other two doctors in town were likely attending. What are the odds? We debated an ER visit and finally called a pharmacist in town for some advice. He told us of a doctor in town who was open until noon on Saturdays, but that it being 11:20, we needed to hurry. Less than an hour later we had a diagnosis for strep and a prescription to make it better. Gotta love small town doctors!

We stayed another night and took another sick day in Marion. My folks offered to treat us for a third night just to be safe, so we spent Sunday night here too. This morning at breakfast Mrs. Meyers (co-proprietor of Meyer's Bed and Breakfast) asked me, "Is you wife feeling any better today?" Yikes, I thought, "She's my friend and she's feeling much better." About an hour after breakfast Mr. Meyer's (kind soul and the other half of Meyer's B&B) came by to check up on Juliette. He offered us a fourth night on the house just to be safe.

That leaves us here, on Monday, still in Marion, KY at the library. The dude next to me has the most awesomely bad hair I have seen in a long time. He's an older, tanned gentleman with bleach blond hair. His sides are totally shaved, the top flat and nicely spiked with, you guessed it... a long flowing mullet well past his shoulders. It's pretty sweet. Some how in all this I've managed to dodge strep throat myself. It could be because I've had it a good 3-4 times in my life and just built up an immunity, or dumb luck. Either way I'm psyched.

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